
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
S4 E9 - The Great American Conspiracy
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Welcome back again to all you Haze Heads out there. Tonight we dug deep. Way down into the depths to give you all a fresh perspective, and help you understand that there's more to the things happening around you than the naked eye realizes. Listen as we fill you in on some deep state knowledge they might not want you to know about!

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
S4 E8 - Quarantine & Chill
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Hi there Haze Heads! Hope everyone is finding ways to maintain sanity in the midst of this quarantine we're all dealing with. In the meantime, join us on an audio adventure as we catch up with one another and get some cool insights from our friends, Ife Moore and Tobi Ashiru! We discussed film and TV recommendations, COVID-19 disinformation, and ways to stay motivated & United in the midst of so much division! We really had a good time catching up and enjoying some human interaction. We hope you feel the same! So sit down (if you already aren't), wash your hands, stay safe, and really enjoy this episode!

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
S4 E7 - Finding Creative Success w/ Producer/Director/Writer, Pen Densham!
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
With over a Billion dollars in Box Office success, Pen Densham has had a very long and prosperous career that has allowed him to produce, direct, and write for major motion pictures and TV. He has also recently found passion in photography. We could go through Pen's resume and prove to you why this guest is so amazing, but instead I will let you take our word for it. If you have ever wanted to write or create original stories then this is the episode for you. Strap in and get ready to learn from one of the best in the business.
Website - Ridingthealligator.com

Saturday Mar 07, 2020
S4 E6 - And Then There Were Two...
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Saturday Mar 07, 2020
Hello again Haze Heads! We're back and this time we're discussing American Politics! Super Tuesday had some strange events and outcomes which we discuss on this episode. We also talked about the Coronavirus panic, Willie's recent adventure to Cuba, some dope Film and TV suggestions, and so much more! Park your keister on the nearest seat and take a listen!

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
S4 E5 - Taking The Right Steps w/ Designer/Shoemaker, Cesar Idrobo!
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
What's up guys and gals! We're so glad to have you back for this dope new episode with our awesome esteemed guest, Cesar Idrobo! We asked him about what it's like to work for Kanye West's apparel brand "Yeezy", Sunday Service, adjusting to the US as a non English speaker, and so much more! Make sure to check it out.
Add us on Instagram! @cidrobo @clearthehaze

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
S4 E4 - Living Large w/ Hopeful Thinking
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Welcome back to Clear The Haze everyone! This week we discussed topics such as The 2021 US Federal Budget, The Academy Awards, Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey, data coverage in the world, The New Hampshire Primaries, and NASA's prediction that we will land "back" on the moon in 2024. No guest this time, just our two hosts. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it!
Instagram: @clearthehaze

Monday Feb 03, 2020
S4 E3 - Let's Get A Quickie In
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Aloha Haze Heads! This episode is quick and concise but packs some major heat! We got in studio last night at our Koreatown location to do some post Super Bowl discussion. Obviously we talked about what a stellar game we saw, but we also shouted out our gracious hosts for the evening, and caught some words of wisdom from Tobi and Gianfranco who joined us in studio this episode! Tune in my friend!

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
S4 E2 - Discussing Greatness w/ Kat Phillips!!
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Hi again Haze Heads! On this episode, Willie and Luiggi had special guest, Kat Phillips join the podcast! We began by taking a moment to honor the life and career of the late NBA legend, Kobe Bryant who perished this week in a helicopter crash. RIP! We also got deep with Kat regarding her early life, her engagement with CTH alum, Ivan Feign, as well as other fun topics like the Grammys, college life, and much more! Check it out and remember to follow us and subscribe for more!
Instagram: @katkatphillips @clearthehaze

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
S4 E1 - The First Episode of the Decade!
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Hey Everyone!
Season 4 is upon us! Welcome back to Clear The Haze. This episode Luiggi and Willie touched base on everything that has happened since they last left off. Willie shared about his recent trip to NYC and Luiggi shared with us his recent experiences at the Golden Globes. We also discussed Iran, Plastic Pollution, the latest Movie and TV news, Impeachment, and finally we spilled the truth about America being a Federal Corporation, and not a Government like we thought all along. Definitely worth a listen. Jump on in!
Follow us on Instagram: @Clearthehaze

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
S3 Episode 38 - The Last Episode of the Decade!
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
The recap is real in this one! Pretty much anything you can (and can't) think of, we discussed it in this episode. Normally I'd list them but it's better if you just listen to it for yourself! Take heed Haze Heads, this is the last one of the season so we jam packed it out for you! Epic!
Happy New Year to you from us here at Clear The Haze and we wish you a merry 2020!